Happy Weekend!! Peyton had a very successful procedure on Wednesday and her eye feels so much better. We didn’t realize how uncomfortable she must have been, but it was almost immediate relief for her. She even seems able to focus a little better since the procedure. They were able to remove the offending eye lashes and clear her tear duct. The tear duct was very very clogged up with lots of nasty build up that he cleaned out. We are so glad she was able to have something done that would give her some relief. We feel helpless so much of the time that it was a great feeling to get something 'fixed' for her.
Posting a few pics….one of she and my sister prior to surgery. My sister works for the ophthalmologist who did the procedure and she got to be in the procedure which gave us lots of comfort. The other is the day after the procedure and she is looking at her toy. I know I know…..looking at her toy doesn’t sound like a big deal, but her lack of focus that we are used to makes this a very big deal!! Plus, the Santa hat was too cute not to post!
Her eye is still puffy from the procedure but she is still very clearly looking at her toy:-)