"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Christmas, Seizures and Genetics

It’s been a while since I blogged just because life gets in the way.  Let me break down the past few months.

·         Christmas was great.  We enjoyed all the family time and fun.  Peyton seemed to enjoy her toys this year and we found out she likes shiny wrapping paper.  It was really nice that she was so much more aware this year and loved having her family around her.

·         Seizures – we have had some ups and downs but the bottom line is that she continues to have them, sometimes one a day, sometimes 10 a day and on one really awful day, she had close to 70.  We recently completed the wean of Phenobarbital and she did really well with it and we are definitely seeing her ‘wake up’ more and more.  She is alert a lot of time and is tracking things much better than before.  Her co-ordination is better than it was and she tries a lot harder to grasp at things like her bottle, her spoon, and her toys.  She gets frustrated sometimes and cries and we think this is simply because she wants to do things that her body will not allow her to do.

·         We received a call a few weeks ago from the Genetics Department at Chapel Hill Children’s Hospital - Peyton has been invited to participate in a study where they will look at her genetic make-up.  It is called Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)  This is a paragraph from the NCGenes website that describes what the study is about.

“Technological developments in the field of genomics now afford the opportunity to define the complete sequence of an individual's genome in a rapid and affordable manner. Such "whole genome sequencing" and its simpler corollary, "whole exome sequencing" (WES), have already established themselves as powerful research tools. The next step in the evolution of this technology is its direct application in the clinical arena to realize improved human health. Yet the translation of sophisticated genomic technology into the clinical sphere is complex and presents many challenges involving the technical, logistical, psychosocial and ethical realms.

Our purpose in wanting to participate in this study is to hopefully gain more information about Peyton’s condition and what caused it.  We realize in the grand scheme of things that it really does not matter, but knowing what caused this is going to give us some closure maybe or just give it a name.  Her neurologist has always said her condition is most likely due to some underlying undiagnosed genetic variance so this is a wonderful opportunity to gain some helpful information for Peyton and hopefully for other children in the future who may have this same genetic variance.  We go tomorrow for her appointment with the geneticist and to have her blood drawn.  She will be in the study for four years and it will basically consist of several phone interviews over the course of the next few years and her case will be revisited annually to see if further testing has become available.  We will be able to go back in 3 to 4 months for a follow up appointment to get results from the tests they do.  We are quite anxious to get whatever information we can.  Please say a prayer for us as we travel to Chapel Hill tomorrow.

·         This past Sunday, my dad, who is a pastor at a local church, invited my family to come and speak about the joys of raising a special needs child for Pro-Life Sunday.  We were very honored that he asked us to come and in thinking and reflecting over the past two years, I realized how much more joy we have had than heartache.  Sure, we have had lots of hard, trying and scary days, but by and far, the good days have far outweighed the bad.  Peyton has brought so many positive things to our lives and we sometimes forget all the good and focus on the bad.  It was a good experience for our family and allowed us to reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for and how God has blessed our family with the gift of Peyton.
The rest of the family is doing well. Both kids are enjoying school and both are having a really good year.  I had the flu a few weeks ago and Super Dad took care of everything while I quarantined myself for a week.  Thankfully, no one else got infected and we have all been well since then.  Here are some current pics….just a hodge podge of this and that.
