"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!!

Dear Peyton,

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!  I can’t believe this year has gone by so fast and it has not been the year we planned, but I am learning that life rarely goes as planned.  One year ago tomorrow, you came into our world, a beautiful healthy 9lb 12 oz baby girl.  You are still beautiful and I still stare at you and think how precious and beautiful you are.  There are lots of things you can’t do, sweet girl, but let’s not focus on that today, let’s focus on what you can do and the beauty of your life.  You have come so far since your seizures began and life stood still.  You can bat at your toys, you can watch the baby channel while sitting in your big girl chair.  You eat baby food and you eat it well!!  You work so hard during Physical Therapy and you are getting stronger every day!  You can listen to your sweet big sister and big brother when they read books to you.  You like to have your family somewhere around you at all times.  You love your grandparents and they love you.  You like to yell at us when you are upset and you do it well!!  Most of all, you can wrap anyone who knows you right around your sweet little finger.  You have a way about you that makes others fall in love with you and I think it’s just the fact that you are so sweet and so innocent and so undeserving of the burden you’ve been given.  I will never ever ever understand why you have this cross to bear, but I know you were created for a purpose and we, your family, are here to help you achieve that greater calling.

You have taught me so much this year and thru the tears, the heartache, the imperfections of me, your mom, I like to think I am stronger now than I was a year ago….or even a month ago.  Each day brings new challenges to our world and I am continually inspired by you and by other parents that have traveled this journey before us and the bravery and iron will it takes to do what we all do, but you sweet girl, have the strongest will of us all and I know that one day, you will hold that beautiful head up, you will sit up, you will smile, you will laugh and you will know you are loved. 

One day, I hope you are able to read back over this blog and know just how much you are loved and how many people are part of Peyton’s Village and how many prayers have been said for you and how many prayers have been answered.  You have a purpose, you have a will for your life and God doesn’t make mistakes.  You are beautiful and you are special and it is a privilege to be your mommy.  I pray this next year brings joy and happiness and healing.  I pray the seizure monster takes a hike out of your life and forgets to come back. 

I love you so much Peyton Grace and tomorrow, we celebrate you.  We celebrate where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re going.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Our Village

So a little Peyton update, sorry it’s been so long!  She has had a bit of a rough week.  More seizures than normal and she just isn’t feeling 100%.  We think she may have a touch of a virus or something.  No fever, thank goodness, but just cranky and tired.  We have been in contact with her neurologist and the dietitian and we are going to increase her diet ratio in the never ending attempt for better seizure control.  She is still enjoying her kid cart and will watch the Baby Channel while sitting in it.  She even reaches for the TV at times, which we love to see.  She is getting stronger and we are noticing little things like more strength in her back and more strength in her legs.  Sometimes it feels like progress is so slow but we just have to remind ourselves that progress is progress and we’ll take progress over the alternative.
It truly takes a village to do what we do on a daily basis and we have an awesome village!!!  We have the best parents anyone could ask for us and they support and love us unconditionally and make this journey all the more workable.  Ed and I both have siblings that would do absolutely anything on the planet for us and we love you guys (we don’t say that enough).  Our extended families are always there and always praying and always encouraging.  Our friends are so amazing and allow us to be ‘normal’ while understanding that our lives aren’t all that normal.  Our facebook/blog friends are not to be forgotten either - your posts have gotten us thru some very dark hours and continue to do so.  I can’t leave out all of Peyton’s friends at Early Intervention – you guys are my heroes and you have been with us from the onset and your compassion for Peyton and for us is something I don’t know how to put into words, but the Reed family is forever indebted to you for all you do!  We just couldn’t be more grateful for our village and we humbly thank each and every single one of you reading this for your prayers, support, love and interest you continue to show in sweet Peyton’s story.  

Friday, October 7, 2011

Watching some T.V.

So, this weekend, Directv is giving us the Baby Channel for free and Peyton is thoroughly enjoying it while sitting in her big girl chair.  We can see such a difference in her already after using this piece of equipment for just a week.  This is a loaner, but she was fitted this week for her very own.  It's going to be purple with butterflies.....she is sure to love it:-)