"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, October 21, 2011

Our Village

So a little Peyton update, sorry it’s been so long!  She has had a bit of a rough week.  More seizures than normal and she just isn’t feeling 100%.  We think she may have a touch of a virus or something.  No fever, thank goodness, but just cranky and tired.  We have been in contact with her neurologist and the dietitian and we are going to increase her diet ratio in the never ending attempt for better seizure control.  She is still enjoying her kid cart and will watch the Baby Channel while sitting in it.  She even reaches for the TV at times, which we love to see.  She is getting stronger and we are noticing little things like more strength in her back and more strength in her legs.  Sometimes it feels like progress is so slow but we just have to remind ourselves that progress is progress and we’ll take progress over the alternative.
It truly takes a village to do what we do on a daily basis and we have an awesome village!!!  We have the best parents anyone could ask for us and they support and love us unconditionally and make this journey all the more workable.  Ed and I both have siblings that would do absolutely anything on the planet for us and we love you guys (we don’t say that enough).  Our extended families are always there and always praying and always encouraging.  Our friends are so amazing and allow us to be ‘normal’ while understanding that our lives aren’t all that normal.  Our facebook/blog friends are not to be forgotten either - your posts have gotten us thru some very dark hours and continue to do so.  I can’t leave out all of Peyton’s friends at Early Intervention – you guys are my heroes and you have been with us from the onset and your compassion for Peyton and for us is something I don’t know how to put into words, but the Reed family is forever indebted to you for all you do!  We just couldn’t be more grateful for our village and we humbly thank each and every single one of you reading this for your prayers, support, love and interest you continue to show in sweet Peyton’s story.  

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